Take your Squad Stack to the next level with a classic twist! Elevate your stack by adding gold accent discs between each bead. We love how the littlest details make all the difference!
CUSTOM ORDER: THREE EASY STEPS - Be the first to sport your very own one-of-a-kind design! Click Here to custom order your favorite Squad Stack with gold discs!
- Available in endless color choices combined with classic gold plated copper disc accents
- This bracelet is made of six orange colored tubular 12mm beads
- Fits wrists approximately 7"-7.5"
- Strung on a durable cord that stretches
- Handmade in Texas
- Roll each bracelet on and off one strand at a time. Avoid stretching or pulling when taking off and putting on.
- Preserve your pieces by avoiding contact with cleaning agents, beauty products, water and chemicals.
- Remove jewelry prior to exercise or swimming.
- Protect your piece by storing it in the Fan Glam jewelry box included with your purchase.
- Clean your jewelry with a dry cotton cloth